9/27/2008- PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!

Ok to last year I happen to end up at Union Square during the middle of this..and shit for about 12 blocks in all directions feather can be seen. Its a disaster! It looks cool, except for the factor that I am allergic to feathers so it was like the worst possible thing for me. If you are looking to see some JapanAnime Characters all dolled up swinging some home made pillow contraption, or some NYU kids hit each other with their crustie yellow stained pillows then go for it. Let me know if you survived. 

Saturday, September 27th
Union Square (14th St & Broadway)

Feathers fly and teddies soar as we gather for a massive urban pillow fight! Swing and whack as you evade pillow-wielding assailants. Bring a pillow to Union Square and wait for the signal. Pillow fight!


The Rules are:
- Look inconspicuous (For effects don’t draw attention to yourself)
- Hide your pillow so it’s not visible (preferably feather)
- Do not congregate in the location, try to be generally around it.

It will be really weird when “Out of Nowhere” all these people start to Pillow Fight.

1: At exactly 6pm Pillows OUT!!! And descend onto
Union Square
2: ONLY Pillow fight those with Pillows
3: DO NOT hit bystand ers or cameras unless invited.
4: At 6:15 walk away

Soft pillows only! + Swing lightly, many people will be swinging at once. + Do not swing at people without pillows or with cameras. + Remove glasses beforehand! + The event is FREE and appropriate for ALL AGES. Wait until 6:00 to begin. + This event is more fun with feathers!

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