WORD: Asleep on the runway

It has come to an end. All the pre, during and post parties are finally over. It was a very,very long week, as is any fashion/ gallery season openings are. We luckily got to make it out to a few shows, New York Couture, Carlos Campos, Betsey Johnson, and alot of the after parties. I missed the awesome 3asfour (which I hear was a flop this year, but I would of still loved to of seen it.) Jeremy Scott was my favorite to go to and Im sad he shows only in Paris now,but NYC is not what is use to be. Anyone else feeling the lack of something in the scene? The art world seems overly produced, the fashion is rather weak, and the music is static. Nothing is what it was 4 years ago. Everything is overly saturated and duplicated, am I wrong? I really hope the energy comes back to NYC or else I just might need to be forced to move elsewhere...got any ideas?well until then go get some well deserved rest,detox, and give it a week before the parties get flowing again...

1 comment:

Katya Moorman said...

Don't worry! With Lehman's going under and Merril Lynch being bought out by Bank of America the Financial Market is currently fu*ked = NYC won't have the money to make improvements = alot of the $$$$ will move out + only the creative people will stay and survive. (or at least, historically this is how it's been...I am crossing my fingers!)

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