8/30/2009- Ladies Lotto presents: WILD

An End of the Summer BBQ 
Featuring tunes by Queen Majesty (Deadly Dragon Sounds)

Sunday, August 30th
4-5pm Ladies Only
5pm - Open to Public, Gents too!

Ladies you'll here from Aimee Raupp --Acupuncturist, Wellness Expert and Author of Chill Out & Get Healthy at WILLD on Sunday, August 30th as she shares the "Top Ten Health Tips For NYC Chicks on the Go!" Aimee will crack the myth about power bars and soy and explain why vodka is so much better than wine! She will also be offering complimentary mini-acupuncture treatments to help reduce wrinkles, headaches and allergies.

+ PLUS +

complimentary manicures!

OPEN BAR VODKA rom 4-5PM for all

BBQ all night long! 
Veggie & meat options

High Bar (
790 8th Ave
New York, NY 1001

Skip the line & RSVP:

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