Coming Up! 3rd Annual NYC Fun-a-Day Show SUBMIT AN EVENT NOW!


3rd Annual NYC Fun-A-Day Show
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
from 8pm - 12am
Tip Top Bar & Grill
432 Franklin Avenue
Brooklyn, NY

All ages
C Train to Franklin Ave.

Join us for the 3rd Annual Fun-A-Day Show to see and hear how your fellow New Yorkers kept themselves creative, frivolous and adventurous during February with this month-long festival of daily delights.

What is Fun-A-Day? The concept is simple: Commit to doing one fun thing a day and do it. Then, at the end of the month, tell everyone what you did. February can be harsh in New York. This year, over one hundred New Yorkers made the Fun-A-Day commitment to do something fun every day. One made new music everyday. One ate a different cheese everyday. One, in honor of Leap Year, leaped over something everyday. What else will be revealed at this year’s show?

Participants! Check out the submission guidelines below to find out how to showcase your Fun-A-Day experience at this year’s Fun-A-Day Show on February 29th.

Fun-A-Day started in 2004 in Philadelphia as a way for the Artclash Collective to motivate their friends to make things through the winter. Now in its eighth year, Fun-A-Day has grown to include independent shows organized across the country. This is the third Fun-A-Day in New York.

Check out and share the event page on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/events/329945730378984/

And add your name to this list for two updates and information about the Brooklyn show on February 29th: http://groups.google.com/group/nyc-fun-a-day

· If you have something you would like to bring to set-up or display, you can come by the Tip Top anytime between 6pm and 8pm to set-up.
· We will bring tacks, tape, fishing line and binder clips for hanging things on the wall. There are also some tables. If you need additional things to hang or set-up your fun-a-day piece, please bring them with you.
· We will have index cards at the show for you to write your name, title, medium and other pertinent information you feel you want to share to place next to your piece. You can also prepare this in advance on an index card if you’d like.
· If you are planning on performing, reading or presenting your fun-a-day, time slots will be first come, first serve. Please check-in with us before 9pm to put yourself on the list. Performances will start at 9pm. Currently there is no audio equipment or projector at the space, so if you have a non-acoustic instrument, amplification or video projection need, please emailjessielreilly@gmail.com to discuss equipment and set-up. And if you have access to equipment (a PA, mics, etc.), please contact us!
· If you have a piece to submit, but are unable to make it to show by 8pm for set-up please contact jessielreilly@gmail.com

See you at the show!

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