3/11/2012- Japan Society Reflects on Tsunami 1 year Later!



Commemorating the One-Year Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

Japan Society opens its doors to the public at 11AM on Sunday, March 11, 2012, the one-year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, for a day of reflection, remembrance and hope. Please join us for this special occasion. Ambassador Shigeyuki Hiroki will preside over a moment of silence at 2:46 pm. We thank you for your continued support and your unwavering concern for the people of Japan.

Please find a video below with a special message from Japan Society President Motoatsu Sakurai on the one year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Make a Donation to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.

Reflections on March 11 play_tri_14h_12w.jpg

Motoatsu Sakurai, President of Japan Society shares his thoughts on the one year anniversary.
Watch on YouTube

Debri-art-in-Ishinomaki_240.jpgFAMILY PROGRAMS + FILM
One Year Later: A Day of Reflection

Sunday, March 11

Japan Society will commemorate the one-year anniversary of March 11, 2011 with programs for children and documentary films for adults.

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