WE NEED 1,000 @facebook friends! Or I am closing up shop....

well maybe thats a bit toooooo extreeme, but you really should be our friend. You know why?

1. We shell out special invites only to our FB peeps
2.BIG events only want to share the goods with us if I have PROOF that people read my site (sadly a clicker and unique visitors or email members dont count anymore in this day and age)
3. Its just one button riiiiight over there on the right hand sign of your screen.
4. I will love you more than I did yesterday
5. FREE STUFF FOR EVERYONE, this site is FREE meaning I rely on the good of word of mouth. You like me then your friends like me and then I feel that people are enjoying going out and having fun in NYC.

Either way what do you have to lose?

thanks ahead of time ;)

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