2/9/16- @GamberoRosso prsnts Trebicchieri 2016 #Wine Tasting mega event FREE TIXS for THEPRINTUPLIST readers SIGN UP NOW!

ThePrintupList Readers are invited to taste Italy's highest rated wines! Sign up NOW to enjoy!

February 9, 2016 at The Metropolitan Pavilion, New York
Gambero Rosso makes the world's bestselling guide to Italian wine, the Vini d'Italia.  Each year, a panel of more than 60 experts taste 45,000 wines, and feature the worthy picks in the guide, highlighting sustainably-grown wines, great values, and top wines of the year. The best-of-the-best are awarded the prestigious designation Tre Bicchieri
To celebrate the release of the 29th edition of the Vini d'Italia, Gambero Rosso will bring 120+ of its award-winning wineries to New York City for a trade and media tasting. As this is a trade event, it is free to attend.

In 2015, Gambero Rosso visited Miami, New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco, attracting more than 7,000 registrants across the four cities.

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