I can not believe that we are so old already and have been partying for SO LONG together!
The Printup List has been around before social media exploded- before twitter-instagram when we only had
( yes fo' real)to promote shit.
As the times change we have decided to change too. We have ALWAYS KEPT thePrintupList OG, never changing a single way we post. It started as a blog and we kept that home style since day 1.
Flash forward 10 years, 2.7 million views- 4,578 email subscribers- 2 twitter/facebook hacks and restarts..Did you know that THEPRINTUPLIST was originally called THEPRINTUP! Until in 2009 when the site and all its early social media was hacked and someone ransomed me for $5,000 to return the name- uhhhh as you can see I did not pay- and thus why I had to change it to THE PRINTUP LIST!
And - BOOM- here we stayed ever since.
SO for our decade old birthday we are finally changing. We are growing up.
We are going back to making this a secret social society- like how it started- making this for friends and friends of friends. Sadly we got so big that people we NOT getting into stuff- events were blacklisting and social media was just to fast with how it shared information. I started this LIST to HOOK MY READERS UP and in order to keep with my promise we are changing.
If you are reading this you are a friend, you are invited, and I hope you join The Printup List NOW!
CLICK HERE to fall down the party rabbit hole-
Join ThePrintupList 2.0 and
start RSVPING to events NOW and CONNECTING with our new party family.
SO happy to celebrate 10 with you all and CHEERS to another decade of events.
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